Welcome to Class 4
Welcome to Class 4 where you will find a mixed Year 5 and Year 6 cohort. This year we have a class of 31 enthusiastic, creative and considerate pupils - 18 in Year 6 and 13 in Year 5. We are taught by Miss Meeson on a Monday and a Tuesday and Mrs Sanpher Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. We are supported by Mrs Ibbetson and Miss Coates.
In Class 4, we respect each other and are proud of each other's achievements. We work together to create a welcoming and warm class atmosphere, where every class member feels valued and loved.
Things to remember:
Key information and messages will be posted on your child's Class Dojo page, so please keep an eye on there!
Monday: Reading book and reading record due in
Homework due in and spelling test
Tuesday: New homework given out
Wednesday: PE kit
Friday: PE kit
Daily: Please remember your named water bottle, reading book and reading record
Class 4 Homework
Compulsory Homework:
Your child will be expected to read each day for 20 minutes.
Please ensure you sign their reading records at least three times a week and send these back into school daily for us to keep our records up to date.
Spellings (given out on a Tuesday for a spelling test the following Monday)
Spelling homework will link to learning in class. Information regarding the spelling rule and the chosen words will be sent home each week. Your support in helping your child to learn the spellings throughout the week is much appreciated. Children are expected to write out the spellings, cover and check.
Timestables Rockstars (10 games weekly)
In line with the raised expectation for KS2 timetables, the children will be expected to complete 10 games on Timestables Rockstars per week. Each game lasts 1 minute, the timetables set for each game match the learning we are doing in class that week.
Children are to complete 10 arithmetic questions per week.
We hold homework clubs at lunchtime on a Wednesday and a Friday